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2005-06-26 - 7:09 a.m.

So the house-thing has been a big PITA to say the least. When we bought it we had it inspected, even though it was new construction. Even so, the buyers insisted on their own inspection, rightfully so.

No matter what, houses require all kinds of maintenance. In the 18 months that we lived there about $1100 worth of things popped up. So we had them fixed.

The worst was discovering that the deck extension that we paid $1800 for last summer is a deathtrap. Rickity with the possibility of collapse, sending the occupants two stories down. Great. The night I found out I had an anxiety attack. Why? I don't know. I knew that money could fix the problem. I have money. The buyer only wanted us to insure that we'd fix it, and we will. The sale of the house was still happening, so why freak out?

I called the deck people and they said:

1. There's no way, we build awesome decks.

2. The inspector must be a retired cop, he doesn't know what he's talking about.

3. I suppose he can get out there next week, but I know that there's no problem.

4. Yeah, sure, fax the report over.

Here is what they said 5 minutes after they got the report:

1. Oh my God, I'm so sorry.

2. Of course we'll fix it.

3. I've sent him over there right now.

4. Please don't sue us.

All in all, a very good outcome.

I told my sister about the fan fiction. She's only making mild fun of me. How embarasking.

Work is good. It's so strange to be so much older than most of the people in the group. There are a couple of ladies who are my age, but they're like old women. It's so freaking weird.

I am becoming more aware of how little I'm aging. That's a good thing. At 42 I don't have wrinkles and my skin looks better now than it ever has. I admit, I'm vain.

I wish I could get it together to lose weight. I'd be avoiding health problems. James is doing Body for Life. In the past 3 weeks he's lost 13 pounds. He's doing really, really well. I'm following the food plan, but I'm not working out like I should. It's hot, I'm tired, I'm crabby, I'm hungry. Fill in excuse here.

Oh, and why am I up earlier on a Saturday than I normally am on a weekday?

Major suckage.

Okay, I think I want to go to "little Mexico" to buy brujaria stuff. Or find a new age store. Just that kind of mood.


Bunny =:-)

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