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2005-07-11 - 12:07 p.m.

After all kinds of crap, we closed on the house on Friday.

James is doing his summer school thing and he spends hours and hours studying. He's getting straight A's. The funny thing is that this whole deal was a way to move him out of the stressful nursing profession into the much less stressful world of actuarial science.

Fat Chance. I'm beginning to see that there is no cure for James's stress. He's going to be stressed out over anything. That's just who he is. I can't cure him, so I have to live with it.

We went to Ikea yesterday. It opened here 10 days ago and it's been a madhouse. We need a bookcase (Or 2) so we went to get them. We took the truck and drove the 8 miles or so down to mid-town.

They put the thing in the old powerplant. Very cool. So the city has closed off the street we needed to go down and we spent a good 40 minutes figuring out how to get to the damn place and parking in the incredibly crowded parking garage.

People are such jerks. I saw three people nearly come to blows over parking spaces. In one case a woman got out and stood in the space to save it for her friend.

Finally we got in. Mobbed. We got the bookcases, looked around and then we came home. Again, not so easy getting out of downtown. A truck blocked one lane of traffic and God forbid anyone here help out and let you merge into an open lane of traffic.

I do not enjoy driving James's truck with the bed full of knock-down furniture on the freeways here. These people are crazy.

We schlepped the things down to our apartment and they are sitting in our living room right now, waiting for us to build them.

I need a vacation. I'm glad I'm getting one next month. I just wish it were tomorrow.

We're supposed to go to Casey and Carmel's wedding next week, but we don't know where exactly it is. Tennessee somewhere.

Guys? Info please?



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